There are lots of reasons not to take part in what God is doing. God’s ways often push us beyond ourselves and honestly, it is often our human nature not to step up.
When I make my list of why opting out comes more naturally, I come up with:
- It is easier
- No one will criticize me
- I will never look foolish or say the wrong thing.
- I won’t fail.
But here is the truth: Your light, your truth, your wisdom is needed. We are better together and I cannot fulfill my calling unless you are living your calling too. Seriously. We need each other.
This week in worship we will look at the movie Moana – a great film about living into your calling even when you want to give up. We all struggle with giving up.
As I move into Valencia this week, I knew the hardest thing would be to get my bed out of my car and into my apartment. It is one of those “bed in a bag” so I thought I had a shot at it but I was really dreading it. As I drove to my apartment after my first staff meeting, I thought, “maybe I will just sleep on my sofa.” Why? Honestly, I didn’t want to look foolish dragging a bed across the parking lot. But then I thought, “Nicole, just do it!” So I got the skateboard (thanks Jacob) I brought with me out of the car and put the bed on the skate board. Of course, it got away from me and if anyone was watching, I looked foolish indeed.
But here is the thing. I got it into the apartment and now I have an amazing comfy bed. It was hard, I looked foolish, but it was worth it.
What is God calling you to do but you fear looking foolish or are worried it won’t go perfectly? Do it anyway. God is depending on you not to play it safe but to live this life he has given you to the fullest. Don’t put it off another day.
Keeping you o. Prayer this week. You’re awesome!