A Big Gulp of Grace Info

(Note: See above for weekly links for Small Group videos)

Lent is a season of preparation and drawing closer to God. It is a time of growing our faith and understanding of Jesus and his church. This year, we invite you to be part of our churchwide project, which will take your faith to a whole new level: reading the entire New Testament in 40 days. 

Why do this? Most people own a Bible (the average household owns three), but most don’t read it. A 2016 Lifeway study reports that only 11% of American report they have read the entire Bible. This happens because the Bible feels big and overwhelming. So, reading the entire New Testament as a congregation gives us structure, support, and encouragement. It makes it doable. 

And, the New Testament is only 260 chapters and about 184,600 words which is about the same size as “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” or “The Fellowship of the Rings.”  In other words, it is totally achievable!

 Here is how you can be part:

1. Decide how you will participate. We encourage everyone to be in a small group, and if you aren’t yet in a group, email us at MAndrews@umcv.org .

Being in a small group will help you stay focused on reading, encourage you when you get behind and help answer questions and grow your understanding. We will be using videos from The Bible Project in small groups – you will love these interesting and engaging videos.

2. Pick your plan. We will give you a plan to read the New Testament in 40 days but you will need to decide between several options. For example, you can read using an app, using a Bible you already have, or purchasing a New Testament for the occasion. Maybe you’d rather use an audio version? That is fine too. Consider reading out loud or using an audio version if you are doing it as a family. How much time will this take? About 30 minutes a day. We start on Monday, February 24 (2 days before Ash Wednesday) and end on April 3 (a full week before Easter, so you can catch up if you need to). 

3. Where to start: Join in on February 23 at 5PM for our Kick-off and Chili Cook-off. We will have speakers Rev. Dr. Kathey Wilborn, a fantastic pastor and leader, and hear from a group from Palmdale First who will share how the Bible has changed their lives. We will have a spirited time of worship and then, our annual Chili Cook-off. Tickets for the cook-off will be available soon!

4. Consider who you will invite to join you in this experience. What co-workers, neighbors, and family would love the achieve this goal? One of the top experiences those on a spiritual path are seeking is a better connection to the Bible. With daily reading and Pastor Nicole’s weekly sermons (she will be looking at upcoming scriptures for the week to get us grounded and ready), anyone can make 2020 the year when they read the whole New Testament.

5. Invite your young adults, youth and older elementary students to join you in the challenge. A recent study shared that many younger people are looking to connect to the scriptures but lack the tools to do so. This process will give you the tools to support those in your family who want to learn. 

6. Got little kids? No worries. You can have them be a part by reading through a children’s Bible over the 40 days. Look at the “Children’s Easy-to-Read New Testament,” available on Amazon if you want to read aloud. If you are looking to do this with very young children, you may need to use a story Bible as one for the New Testament might be hard to find. 

7. Still got questions? Check out our FAQ sheet or connect with Rev. Nicole at NReilley@umcv.org

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Big Gulp of Grace FAQ

1. Q: How long will it take me to read the daily readings?
A: It will take you between 30 minutes to 40 minutes each day to read about 7 chapters per day (the New Testament contains 260 chapters)

2. Q: Do I have to use a particular Bible or will any Bible do?

A: You can use any Bible.
If you are new to reading the scriptures, you might try The New Living, The Message (it is numbered a bit differently but will work), and the New Revised Standard Version.

3. Q: I don’t have a Bible, can I read online?

A: Yes, try: Read online: This is also an app for your iphone and other portable devices.

4. Q: Do I need to attend a small group?

A: Technically, no, but you will want to.
Reading the New Testament in 40 days is a challenge for anyone, but reading it with a group will help keep you on track and encourage you when you are behind. Also – the classes will feature amazing videos from The Bible Project, and you’ll have time for discussion. But more importantly, we all need to be in a small group for our ongoing spiritual growth. Christianity is a team sport. Find out about small groups by emailing Pastor Michelle at MAndrews@umcv.org

5. Q: I’d like to listen to an audio Bible instead. Is that OK, or is that cheating?
A: An audio Bible is a great choice. If you walk, commute, or learn better through listening, this is a great option. Try Audible for several different versions (listen to the sample to see what you like).

6. Q: I don’t think I can commit to doing the whole New Testament in 40 days. Are their cliff notes I can read instead?
A: Not really. Here is what we know, only 11% of Christians have read the entire Bible. Reading the New Testament is an excellent start to really owning and understanding your faith. This is worth your time, and it takes 30 minutes a day. You can do it, we will help you.

7. Q: I’d like to do this as a family (with young kids), do you have a recommendation?

A: Yes, Children’s Easy-to-Read New Testament is for children to be read to (younger kids) or to read (elementary kids). You can find it on Amazon. If you have very young children, you may use a picture Bible, but it will cover the whole scriptures and not just the New Testament. You can also pick up a focus text for the week for children on Sunday.

8. Q: I am concerned there will be a lot I don’t understand. How can I get help in understanding?
A: You can come to worship on Sunday. Each Sunday, Rev. Nicole will preach on the texts for the coming week. You are strongly encouraged to be in a small group, this will help you in growing in your understanding. Also, check out our list of Resources for additional help.

9. Q: There is so much to learn and remember, how can I possibly read this much each day?
A: Our approach is to read it more like a novel. We want you to see the overarching story, and not worry about every detail. This may be a new way for you to read the New Testament, but you will find it is a very helpful way.

10. Will there be a celebration at the end of the 40 Days?

A: Yes, on Palm Sunday, we will celebrate our accomplishments together. It will be epic.

Note from Rev. Nicole: This may feel like a big challenge, but you will find it both worth your time and life-changing. I have read the whole Bible through in 90 days four times and used audio, apps, and my Bible. Each time I did this, it truly changed me. I felt more confident in my faith and found it to be a great accomplishment. The New Testament in 40 days take about 30 minutes of reading a day, that is a small commitment for such a fantastic experience. There are many ways to read the scriptures – reading it in 40 days is one of the most powerful. You will see the span and scope of the text as you read it more like a novel than a textbook. Do it. You will be really glad you did.

List of Resources: Recommended Bibles

Any Bible will do but if you are new to scripture reading, look at: The New Living, The Message (it can be numbered a bit differently but will work), and the New Revised Standard Version.

Recommended Audio Bibles

Here are places to find an audio version (in addition to Audible)


Itunes also has possibilities as does Christianaudio.

There are several apps to try.

Look for these versions: NIV (New International Version), The Message, ESV (English Standard Version). The You Version Bible App is easy to use.

A podcast to try (and there is one for kids too):

40 Day Bible Challenge

40 Day Bible Challenge for Kids

Recommended Background Resources

“Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today” by Adam Hamilton – this is a great resource to help you see the many ways the Bible can be read and understood. Highly recommended.