Recently I have been working on getting more done in less time. I noticed I was spinning my wheels on social media or Amazon more than I like and I thought, how do I fix this?

The problem wasn’t the social media or Amazon. The problem was my tasks were taking twice as long because of my interruptions. Turns out for every time I jumped on social media to check something I went down a rabbit hole of other posts and videos and when I came back to my task it took a while to get back up to speed. Sound familiar?

Three weeks ago I started using Monday Hour One – the basic premise is: make a list of all your tasks for the week and then put them in blocks on your calendar. Usually what gets a block on my calendar are appointments but my tasks have been those things I have worked to squeeze in between appointments. Now, I take all 30 things I need to do (work tasks like edit film for Sunday, write the message, phone calls, and personal tasks like track food, walk, etc.) and give them a time block on my calendar. What does this do? It makes it very clear what I need to do and how much time I need to do it.

So far I am finding (it’s only week 3): I am getting more done in less time. This has freed me to spend more time relaxing and enjoying myself. And, yes, I do calendar that too.

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