Developer 05 – Six Core Competencies of Pastors

My Mother wanted me to be a professional photographer. She thought I had a good eye for photography and she loved how passionate I was about it. I took classes starting when I was 16 and spent long hours in the darkroom trying things out. I like to think that some of what my Mom …

Six Core Competencies of Pastors 04: Connectionalism

I didn’t grow up in the United Methodist Church (UMC). But when I was in college I fell in love with the UMC and I especially fell in love with what they called Connectionalism. Connectionalism (or Connexionalism) is a funny word. In the UMC we use it to talk about the relationships churches and pastors …

Six Core Competencies of Pastors 03: Communication

If I could change one thing about pastors and church folk it would be that they would give each other the best possible interpretation of every action. For example… You forgot to return my email? You were busy, not negligent. You didn’t talk to me at coffee hour? You were dealing with an emergency not …

The Six Core Competency of Pastors: Focus (Part 02)

I am a high-energy person who thrives on new ideas so the Core Competency of Focus was a challenge for me. But a couple of things happened that got me thinking… Leading house churches gave me a new perspective on what mattered in growing faith. Working in New Ministries showed me many declining churches being …

The 6 Core Competencies of Pastors (Part 01)

What six core competencies does a pastor need? I would imagine you could ask ONE hundred pastors and laity and get FIVE hundred answers. 🙂 Here are my thoughts. I share them not because I KNOW what the six core competencies are (that would take a lot more work and insight than I have) but …

The Six Core Competencies of Pastors (Part 0)

My husband, Dr. Jeff Luther,  is the director of a medical residency program.  That means he trains new medical school grads on how to be amazing Family Physicians. He has done this for over 20 years. I like his world.  I like hanging out with those who run the larger hospital and hearing how they …