Let’s Get Real – Rainbows and Unicorns Week 2 “Good Enough”

I recently listened to a podcast where the speaker shared about her struggle to feel “good enough.” She reflected on how not feeling good enough wasn’t related to her not being good enough at her job or in her hobbies, but a general sense that as a person, she just didn’t measure up. I could …

Let’s Get Real – Rainbows and Unicorns Week 1 “Finding Happiness”

Dear friends, I know very few people whose life has gone 100% according to plan. Most everyone is living Plan B, Plan C or even Plan Z.  But over the years I have noticed how some people adapt, and even learn to thrive, when things don’t go according to plan.  Of course, they don’t rejoice in the …

Rooted – Where We Belong

Each week, I end worship saying, “Go out and be the church.” Because these words have such profound meaning to me, this has been my usual way of ending worship for at least a decade. To be the church is the calling of our lives. To stand as followers of Jesus in the world, at …

I Want To See Where I Can Take This Life

Today I am finishing a week of vacation.  It was awesome.  I hung out with my husband and son in one of my favorite little towns, Paso Robles, CA.  I love the houses, the town square, the great food and wine and cute shops.  It is a walkable, pretty town and the area has a …

Why You Need A Favorite Sweater (or something)

Most days off I wear the same blue and black sweater.  Over the past 5 years it has become my go-to, my source of comfort and my source of secret strength.  Who knows why certain pieces of clothing raise our spirits, but they do.  This sweater has become an old friend and while too frayed …

02- 9 Actions to Grow Worship and Professions of Faith

This summer I am sharing a list of 9 ideas for Cal-Pac pastors and laity as we live into Bishop Grant’s challenge to increase worship attendance and professions of faith. Here are earlier posts: #1 Idea #2 – Prayer Are we praying for our churches to reach new people? Are we praying for people who …