I recently listened to a podcast where the speaker shared about her struggle to feel “good enough.” She reflected on how not feeling good enough wasn’t related to her not being good enough at her job or in her hobbies, but a general sense that as a person, she just didn’t measure up.
I could relate. I think we have all gone through seasons of life where we felt we fell short. Sometimes it does relate to learning a new skill or taking a next step in life (I think of college students who often wonder if they measure up), but I think the issue is bigger than that.
This week we continue our series, Let’s Get Real: Life isn’t Always Rainbows and Unicorns. Our focus this week is on this struggle to feel good enough. How do we embrace our worth and worthiness? How do we move through our struggles when we feel we don’t measure up?
If you missed the start of the series, listen here.
Join in this Sunday in the conversation and invite a friend – 9 and 10:30 a.m.