Someone told me that you sleep really well on a train. That is not proving true for me. Sure, it might be the tiny bed but really, I think it is the constant shaking of the train. I’d fall asleep and 20 minutes later I’d wake up thinking it was an earthquake (that’s the Californian in me). This goes on all night.
I awoke at 5:30 AM, the sun was coming up and it seemed like a waste to keep trying to sleep. What state was this? It looked like Arizona. I tried to figure out how to get dressed in the foot of space you have to stand. I washed my face and brushed my hair and wandered up to breakfast. I had the oatmeal. Three cups of coffee later, I was ready.
Here is how I spent the day:
8 AM-9AM: I worked on my Blog, both finishing and posting yesterday’s post on this trip and then, editing a second post on organization.
9:30 AM-11:00 AM: I worked on my book. (My inner voice was really loud & was shouting: YOU CANNOT DO THIS!!! the entire time, but I kept at it….)
11:00 AM-11:20 AM: We stopped in Albuquerque and had about 45 minutes at the train station. I took a walk and bought a gift. There was snow on the ground.
11:30 AM-12:00 PM: I continued to work on my book while the train was in the station.
12 PM -1 PM: I had lunch in my room and read a magazine
1 PM-3 PM I went through all my sermons on the teachings of Jesus and thought about what kind of a book/blog series this might make. I started working on the topic of what Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God. (Lots of work to do here to make these notes into anything helpful….)
3 PM-3:30 PM – I fell asleep.
3:30 PM-5 PM I worked on my book. Inner voice was a little less loud but after I read what I wrote this morning, the inner voice loudly shouted, SEE YOU CANNOT DO THIS! I made tea (I brought my BU MOM mug and a tea immersion heater.) and tea always helps.
It’s 5 PM and my plan is to have a glass of wine and watch the beautiful scenery (we are in New Mexico/Colorado) and enjoy this evening. I have dinner plans in the dinning car and I plan to do a bit of art this evening. I am not looking forward to trying to sleep.
It was a great and productive day!